How to install Metasploit Framework on Ubuntu?
Many students are trying to learn ethical hacking by self-study. The Metasploit framework is one of the best tools for hacking different platforms. Students are using Ubuntu OS on personal computers and also in the computer lab. We can install metasploit framework on Ubuntu. To install Metasploit on Ubuntu, follow these step-by-step instructions: Note: You are making a changes on system, so you need to log in to root user or use “sudo su” for switch to the root user or you need to use sudo command before entering command in most of the case
Step 1: Update the Repository
Before installing the Metasploit framework, update the repository.
sudo apt update
Step 2: Install Required Dependencies
Metasploit requires certain dependencies like curl, wget, and postgresql. Install them using:
sudo apt install curl wget postgresql -y
Step 3: Download and Install Metasploit
Run the following command to download the latest Metasploit installer from Rapid7:
> msfinstall
Give execution permissions to the script and run the script to install Metasploit:
chmod +x msfinstall
Step 4: Start and Initialize the Database
Metasploit uses PostgreSQL as its database. Start and initialize it with:
sudo systemctl start postgresql
sudo msfdb init
To ensure PostgreSQL starts automatically on system boot, enable it using:
sudo systemctl enable postgresql
Step 5: Verify the Installation
To check if Metasploit is installed correctly, launch it using:
If the Metasploit Framework console opens with the Metasploit banner, the installation was successful.
If it’s outdated then update it using
Inside Metasploit, verify the database connection using:
If it says “Connected to PostgreSQL database”, you’re all set!
Now, Metasploit is installed on your Ubuntu system and ready for penetration testing
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